Climate Checklist
EN / DE / FR / IT


Climate Checklist is an interdisciplinary project of professionals from the fields of communication, design, data science, and software development. We are closely working with renowned climate experts, NGOs, climate-conscious politicians, and actors from the political climate movement to build our website. Our organization is non-profit and politically independent.


Thomas Reinhard — Founder & Data Management

Elvira Greco — Art Direction & Design

Dario Sulser — Software Development & Fundraising

Thomas Reinhard

Thomas Reinhard – Founder & Data Management

Thomas Reinhard studied economics at the University of St. Gallen and transdisciplinarity at the Zurich University of the Arts. Until 2015, he was Head of Data & Analytics and, with his team, built an online data platform that provided information about 60,000 global companies in real-time using artificial intelligence technologies. He founded Climate Checklist in 2022 and is responsible for the data and fundraising. .

Elvira Greco

Elvira Greco – Art Direction & Design

After studying law at the University of Bern and several years of legal work, Elvira Greco studied Cast / audiovisual media at the design department of the Zurich University of the Arts. Since 2014, she has been working as a freelancer in storytelling and design, has extensive experience in online activism, and in 2022 founded the digital design collective "Le Kollektiv", with which she works especially for clients in the social sector.

Dario Sulser

Dario Sulser – Software Development & Fundraising

Dario Sulser is a trained computer scientist, has club expertise, through his volunteer engagements in peace research, environment & natural sciences, first aid, and food sharing. He is a co-founder of the Climate Checklist association and convinced that technology and environmental protection can go hand in hand – as long as nature is not annoyed with unasked updates.


Constructor Academy supported us by contributing to our software development with a student project and by giving us a home, allowing us to work at their location during our initial phase.


Created by Climate Checklist, Oetenbachgass 15, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland, +41 44 586 06 04, info@Climate


We use the open-source software Matomo for the analysis and statistical evaluation of the use of the website. We do not use cookies for this purpose, and all information is encrypted and transmitted to our servers. The IP addresses are anonymized through IP masking, making it impossible for us to assign them. The "Device Fingerprint" sent along is used exclusively for the evaluation of website usage. No collected data is passed on to third parties, except in legally required cases of obligation to pass on information to authorities. If you want to avoid even this form of data transmission, you can make adjustments in your own web browser settings, delete the history, and change the privacy settings accordingly.


All images presented on this website were created by our team unless stated otherwise. In cases where external images were used, we have ensured that the appropriate usage rights were properly acquired. We place great value on the observance of copyright laws and always strive to respect and comply with the ownership and usage rights of all used materials.

We are building Climate Checklist.

Find out why it is needed and how it will work.

Enjoy reading and scrolling.


The Greatest Challenge of Humanity

If we want to prevent increasingly catastrophic consequences of climate change, we must stop the temperature rise by reducing emissions to net-zero as quickly as possible.

Why net-zero? Wouldn't it be enough to just reduce emissions? The short answer is no. Simplified, our atmosphere functions like a bathtub with limited capacity: Every year we let in 50 gigatons. If we reduce the water supply, the water level still continues to rise – just a bit slower. Only when we completely stop the water supply, does the water or temperature rise stop. (Source)

The Solutions Are Here

The good news is: Science has clearly defines what needs to be done to reach net-zero emissions.

The most important global study answering the question of which measures can stop global warming is the latest IPCC report. IPCC reports are issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and are considered the gold standard in climate questions. The latest report, which defines said climate solutions, is based on over 18,000 individual scientific papers and 60,000 comments from experts. The report was written by over 300 renowned scientists from all over the world. (Source)

The Climate Majority Is Here

And there is already a global majority of people who want that these climate solutions are implemented.

The largest survey ever conducted on climate change worldwide is a 2020 joint study by the University of Oxford and the United Nations. According to the study, 64% of people surveyed in more than 50 countries saw climate change as a global emergency. 59% wished that everything necessary is done as soon as possible to stop climate change. (Source)

The Obstacle

Unfortunately, governments and companies are far behind in implementing these solutions. Therefore, we need a way to hold them accountable.

Many renowned climate scientists define 2050 as the absolute latest deadline for climate neutrality. By then, according to various climate models, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to net-zero if we want to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius and prevent the worst consequences. However, some scientists and NGOs consider 2050 too late – they demand net-zero by 2030 or 2040. Sad fact: Currently, not a single country is on track for 2050, let alone 2040 or 2030. If the situation does not change soon, we will definitely not be able to keep warming under 2 degrees. (Source)

This Is Why We Are Building Climate Checklist

Climate Checklist tracks countries and companies on their path towards net-zero. And if they are not on track, Climate Checklist empowers users to take immediate online actions to make their voices heard and get them back on track.

Why does the world need Climate Checklist? Although there is obviously a global majority that wants immediate climate-positive actions, this majority of people has not yet expressed their will politically. For many people within the climate majority, street protests are not an option for various reasons. These people prefer to limit themselves to individual emissions reductions in their private lives. But that won't get the world to net-zero. This goal can only be achieved through climate-positive actions by entire states and companies. The goal of the Climate Checklist is to give those members of the climate majority who have not yet engaged in climate politics a tool with which they can do so easily and effectively.

We Need Your Support

Climate Checklist is still under construction. Therefore we are currently looking for climate mitigation oriented donors who want to help finance the development. We are also looking for collaborations with other NGOs in the climate sector. And of course, we are always looking for people who want to help build Climate Checklist. Interested? We look forward to your email.
